Update on Management of Cardiovascular Diseases in Women. in Journal of clinical medicine / J Clin Med. 2022 Feb 22;11(5):1176. doi: 10.3390/jcm11051176.

AO Ordine Mauriziano

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Autori/Collaboratori (16)Vedi tutti...

Gelsomino S
Cardio Thoracic Department, Maastricht University, 6202 AZ Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Colivicchi F
Clinical and Rehabilitation Cardiology Department, San Filippo Neri Hospital, ASL Roma 1, 00100 Roma, Italy.
Francese GM
Cardiology Complex Unit, "Garibaldi Nesima" Hospital, 95122 Catania, Italy.

et alii...


Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have a lower prevalence in women than men; although, a higher mortality rate and a poorer prognosis are more common in women. However, there is a misperception of CVD female risk since women have commonly been considered more protected so that the real threat is vastly underestimated. Consequently, female patients are more likely to be treated less aggressively, and a lower rate of diagnostic and interventional procedures is performed in women than in men. In addition, there are substantial sex differences in CVD, so different strategies are needed. This review aims to evaluate the main gender-specific approaches in CVD.

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PMID : 35268267

DOI : 10.3390/jcm11051176


women; gender; cardiovascular risk factors; cardiovascular disease;