Sfoglia per RIVISTA
Collezione ASL Biella


Items : 3

Impact of renal failure and high-platelet reactivity on major cardiovascular ischemic events among patients with acute coronary syndrome receiving dual antiplatelet therapy with ticagrelor. in Minerva cardiology and angiology / Minerva Cardiol Angiol. 2023 Jun;71(3):257-265. doi: 10.23736/S2724-5683.22.06001-X. Epub 2022 Oct 1

ASL Biella

DE Luca G; Rognoni A; Kedhi E; Suryapranata H; Gioscia R; Verdoia M; Nardin M;

OCT guided vs. COmplete pci in patieNts with sT segment elevation myocArdial infarCtion and mulTivessel disease: OCT-CONTACT RCT. in Minerva cardiology and angiology / Minerva Cardiol Angiol. 2023 Aug;71(4):431-437. doi: 10.23736/S2724-5683.22.06144-0. Epub 2023 Feb 2

ASL Città di Torino
ASL Torino 3
AO Cuneo
ASL Asti
ASL Biella
ASL Torino 5
AO Ordine Mauriziano
AO Alessandria
ASL Torino 4
ASL Vercelli

DE Filippo O; D'Ascenzo F; DE Ferrari GM; Prati F; Musumeci G; Patti G; Rognoni A; Lupi A; Varbella F; Conrotto F; Infantino V; Boccuzzi G; Gambino A; Taglialatela V; Cinconze S; Moretti C; Truffa A; Secco GG; Mennuni M; Quadri G; Ugo F; Maltese L; Montabone A; Marengo G; Iannaccone M;

Acute myocardium infarction: difficulties and interventions perceived by Italian nurses and physicians. in Minerva cardiology and angiology / Minerva Cardiol Angiol. 2023 Apr;71(2):135-143. doi: 10.23736/S2724-5683.22.06099-9. Epub 2022 Sep 9

ASL Biella

DE Dominicis C; Conte L; Carvello M; Ingrosso F; Calabrò A; Vitale E; Lupo R;